Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out our approach to the personal data we collect from or obtain about you. If you have any queries in relation to this privacy policy, please contact

What is the purpose of this privacy policy:

At Trans Himalaya Travels we are very serious about protecting your privacy. Your trust is our most important asset.

We will only process your personal data as set out in our privacy policy or otherwise notified to or agreed by you or as we are otherwise permitted to do in accordance with data protection laws.

What personal data will be collected from you:

Name, telephone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses) and credit/ debit card or other payment information. In order to respond to an enquiry, process and fulfil your booking or send you a brochure or other promotional material, we need to collect personal data from you. It may also include information relating to any disability or medical condition which may affect travel arrangements and dietary restrictions which may disclose your religious beliefs. This sort of information is regarded as sensitive personal data. All references in this privacy notice to personal data include sensitive personal data unless otherwise stated.
This may be provided over the telephone, online through our website or in emails to us.

Please do not provide your personal data to us if you are not happy for us to process this information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Consent and withdrawal:

All information related to you i.e your personal data will be collected from you by your consent and the same will be used by you giving your consent to do so, at the same time if you are not comfortable with the process of using your personal data you can anytime withdraw your consent from it.

You can withdraw your consent from our processing your personal details or pictures of your tour with us from   using them for marketing purposes and also from uploading the same on The Trans Himalaya Travels website.

  • We can use your personal data to send to information about our holiday packages or other services and offer in the future.
  • We will only retain and use your personal data and pictures for marketing purposes where you have specifically consented to our doing so.
  • you can ask us to remove your personal data and pictures of your tour with the Trans Himalaya Travels in certain circumstances, where you have withdrawn your consent to our further using this for marketing purposes
  • We will not keep and use your personal data in a form which enables you to be personally identified for any longer than is necessary in order to fulfil the purpose for which it was originally collected or for any other legitimate business purpose.

We can provide your personal data to:

Where you make a booking or booking enquiry, appropriate personal data will be passed on to the relevant suppliers (such as in-country ground handlers, airlines, hotels, etc) and any other third party (such as banks and/or credit card companies) who need this information so that your chosen arrangements can be booked and provided or your booking enquiry answered. Once your booking has been made, your personal data may also be provided to government / public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law.

We may also make personal data available to companies who provide services on our behalf, such as mailing brochures and marketing material.

THIS PRIVACY POLICY can change time to time. These may be required as a result of changes in data protection laws or in the guidance issued by regulators such as the Information Commissioner’s Office or where we make changes to our procedures.

If you have any complaint about the way in which your personal data has been dealt with, please let us know by e-mail.